
Tuesday 15 April 2014


Here he is: Tom Linton Neal, one of the first entrants in the XTERRA Spain 15-19 age group!

Tom (19) from Bingley, West Yorkshire, England, is getting himself ready for his big Spanish adventure: the XTERRA Spain Championships in Cartagena/La Manga, Murcia. The youngster’s journey into XTERRA started as an avid mountain biker when in his teens, but it was only after trying out sprint triathlon that he realized XTERRA was his true passion.

Along the way, he has found plenty of inspiration by watching the famous Brownlee brothers passing by while out training. 

My house is not far from the Brownlee brothers. I often see them when out training. I even use some of the same training venues as they are.

Your first XTERRA was XTERRA England 2013? Tell us more about this new experience?
The race was very hard and challenging. But I really enjoyed the atmosphere and support from the other competitors, which is unique to XTERRA.

Which one of the different disciplines – swim-bike-run - did you find most challenging in your first XTERRA?
Absolutely, the run! I need to still do a lot of work here to improve my run!

How have you adjusted your training to ensure that you become more competitive in XTERRA?
I’ve included much more technical mountain bike training in my schedule. During the winter I’ve been doing cross country races to strengthen my running abilities. 

What is your XTERRA goal for the 2014 season?
Of course, the podium! My goal is to podium as many times as possible on the European XTERRA circuit. 

As one of the first entrants in the age group 15-19, what would you like to tell other first time XTERRA “rookies” who may want to enter the race?
Don't underestimate how hard it will be! However, the reward of pushing yourself and achieving your best is priceless. Be there!

Join Tom in the XTERRA adventure
Enter now and ensure you don’t miss out on all the fun!


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